Emil Melmoth
Among the Flesh | Solo Exhibition
Saturday April 13th, 2019 - Saturday May 11th, 2019

Emil Melmoth, "Fallen Martyr", Metal, Epoxy Clay, Varnished Wooden Pedestal, 2019, 71" x 43" x 24"

Emil Melmoth, "Embracing Mother", Metal, Epoxy Clay, Varnished Wood, 2019, 55" x 25.5" x 12"

Artwork by Emil Melmoth for his Solo Exhibition "The Wanderers Dissection" at Last Rites Gallery, NY August 2017.
Emil is an emerging sculptor who focuses on gruesome, yet softly portrayed dark imagery. Emil’s works span across a surreal landscape and portrays the macabre, fragile, and powerless aspects and philosophies of life.
To see more of his works, follow him on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emil_melmoth

Artwork by Caitlin McCormick for her Solo Exhibition "Antibeast" at Last Rites Gallery, NY May 2018.
Caitlin McCormack received a BFA in Illustration in 2010 from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia PA. She lives with two cats in South Philly and crochets to forget the world, in the chaos of her slovenly, nest-like studio. She currently receives representation from Paradigm Gallery + Studio.
To see more of her artwork, head on over to: https://caitlintmccormack.com/home.html

13th Hour
October 12th, 2019 - November 01st,