Artist Statement We live in a society that tells us to appreciate ourselves while force- feeding us the ideal, perfect body through advertisements and social media. We’re drowning in images that don’t allow us to have a real appreciation for who we are, as we are constantly reminded that we don’t look like the ideal celebrity. What we see in the media is a falsified ideal of perfection that ends up destroying our own self-image in pursuit of a goal that is unattainable. Instead of looking within to see our own perfection, we look to what we’re told to have, and become self- conscious. To break the mold, we first have to realize that who we are is who we’re meant to be. My goal with the photographic series, Fabrication, is to provide insight into what a simple piece of fabric can lead a person to reveal when nobody is looking. The goal is to give each model the opportunity to shed the layered mask they show to the world. During my time with each model, I make sure that they are comfortable with every aspect of their shoot by giving them space to play with their fabric pieces and their setup/location. Once the model is completely comfortable, this is when the magic begins. Suddenly, each model is able to peel back the curtain to allow their true emotions to come to the surface the moment they stopped trying to pose. My models allow the camera see them for who they are, what they feel in the moment. My aim is to create the circumstances for each model to accept themselves in a world of chaos. During the shoot, they embody a world all their own; they get lost in their own minds without caring how they are being seen. Not only am I able to get many emotions across, I also express my own emotions through these models. As human beings we’re all filled with secrets, desires, and hardships. Acceptance of the person we see in the mirror, acceptance and self-love for our bodies, and finding the beauty within is something we have almost lost. This is my story along with theirs; it’s okay to be vulnerable by allowing the world to see us for whom we truly are.